

2016-07-06 11:37




  Text 4

  There are some objects in the sky that move so quickly that sometimes you only see them outof the comer of your eye.These are some of the huge number of bits of rock and dust that are floating around in space, called meteoroids.Normally, we cannot see them at all, but if they travel tooclose to the Earth, they get caught by the pull of the Earth, and begin to fall towards us.They fallfaster and faster, until they hit our atmosphere (大气层), by which time they are going so fast thatthey begin to bum up, and all that you see is a flash of light that moves very quickly across the skyand disappears.These shooting stars, or meteors as they are properly called, are quite common,and sometimes you may see several in a night.

  Most meteoroids are very small bits indeed, and they bum up long before they get to theEarth.However, a very few do manage to get all the way through the atmosphere, and actually fallto the ground.usually they do not do much damage, although this is not always the case.

  Meteoroids that actually manage to reach the Earth are called meteorites.Most countries haveplaces where meteorites have struck the Earth.some of these places are very large indeed and aretourist attractions.

  67.Why do some objects from outer space fall to the ground?

  A.They are too big.

  B.They are hit by huge rocks.

  C.They move too fast.

  D.They are pulled by the Earth.

  68.What do we know about meteors from the text?

  A.They become a star in the sky.

  B.They are too small to be seen.

  C.They disappear very quickly.

  D.They do damage to the Earth.

  69.What happens to most meteoroids coming into the atmosphere?

  A.They bum up.

  B.They fall to earth.

  C.They explode.

  D.The float in the air.

  70.The word "meteorites"( Line 1, Para.3)refers to pieces of rock that

  A.move fast in outer space

  B .have been found at a tourist centre

  C.flash through space at a high speed

  D.have fallen onto the Earth from space





  67.D【精析】细节题.题干意为“为什么外太空的一些物体会掉落到地面?”根据文章第一段第三句“Normally,we cannot see them at a11.but if they travel too close to the Earth.they get caught by the pull of the Earth,and begin to fall towards US.”可知,作者认为通常我们根本看不见它们,但是如果它们太靠近地球,它们就会被地球引力吸住,开始向我们掉落,故D正确.



  70.D【精析】细节题.题干意为“‘meteorites’(第三段第一行)是指那些__________的石头碎片.”根据本文第三段第一句话“Meteoroids that actually manage to reach the Earth are called meteorites.”可知,真的到达地面的流星被称为陨石,故D正确.



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