

2019-03-05 16:50



  The Central Problem of Economics
  The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people’s and nation’s wants.
  The problem we faced with is that our resources,here identified as money are _1_.
  The only way we can solve the problem is to _2_ choices.After looking at our resources,we must examine our list of _3_ and identify the things we need immediately,_4_ we can postpone,and those we cannot afford.As individuals,we face the central problem involved in economics---decideing how to allocate our limited resources to _5_ ourselves with greatest satisfaction of our wants.
  Nations face _6_ problem.As a country’s population_7_,the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly.Resources necessary to production may increase,but there _8_ are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation.Whether the budget meeting is _9_ in the family living room,in the conference room of the corporation _10_ of directors,or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington,the basic problem still exists.We need to find _11_ of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.
  A short time ago,economists _12_ goods into two categories,free and economic.The former.,like air and water,were in _13_ abundance that economists had no concern for them.After all,economists is the _14_ of scarcity and what to do about it.Today many of these"free goods"are _15_ very expensive to use.Population has made clean air and water _16_ for producers who have to filter their waste products,for consumers who ultimately _17_ the producer’s extra cost,and _18_ taxpayers who pay for the government’s involvement _19_ the environment.
  In the 1990s,almost all goods are scares.Only by effort and money_20_ obtained in the from people wish.
  1. A abundant B scarce C limited D unlimited
  2. A have B do C make D ask
  3. A want B resources C want D problem
  4. A some B others C that D those
  5. A bring B provide C take D satisfy
  6. A another B the same C the other D a same
  7. A growing B grown C grows D grow
  8. A sometimes B always C often D never
  9. A taking place B happening C replacing D taking the place
  10. A board B group C management D function
  11. A means B approach C ways D method
  12. A seperate B divide C cut D divided
  13. A a so B great C such D such an
  14. A study B form C means D source
  15. A particularly B in practice C pracitally D in reality
  16. A cheaper B more expensive C expensive D cheap
  17. A pay for Bwill pay for C use D will use
  18. A the B with C for D also
  19. A cleaning B in cleaning C about cleaning D clean
  20. A they can be B they must be C must they be D can they be


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