

2019-03-05 16:37



  Directions:Read the text below.Write an essay in about 120 words,in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them.Try to use you own words.
  Hengshui No.2 High School in northeast China's Hebei province has installed metal bars on all balconies to prevent students from committing suicide.The move came after two students jumped to their deaths within six months.
  The high school is considered one of the best in the country.To guarantee that their students would be admitted by top universities,Hengshui No.2 is run with military-style management.All students must get up at 5:30 a.m.and study 10 hours a day.All meals must be finished within 15 minutes and toilet breaks are less than three minutes.
  Pictures of the school's new balcony fences first appeared on Weibo last week,along with banners bearing inspiring slogans such as"key to the success of the college entrance examination is to succeed every day in every subject and every question."
  Most Chinese netizens were shocked by the metal bars.They agreed that instead of installing metal bars,why doesn't the school provide psychological counseling and guidance?That may help!Some others think protecting students was not the school's first intention.The school is attempt to shirk responsibilities.
  However a few people showed understanding.They think that in a small city like Hengshui,succeeding in the college entrance examination is the only to lead to a bright future.If the students can survive it,they can make it.
  Since two students committed suicide by jumping from the teaching building,Hengshni N0.2 High School took a radical measure to prevent dangerous accidents.According to the news,metal bars was installed on all bal-conies and aU the windows.
  There is a great controversy among public.Most people think installing bars alle not going to solve the problem.it is essential to find ways to relief students stress and give them psychological guide.Moreover,installing bar are more like a method that used for avoiding liabiliby the school managers.However,someone showed their understanding for that high pressure and intense study are the only way to success.
  In my opinion,installing bars is not a good idea to solve this problem for there ale other ways to suicide.The most effective method is to fmd ways to relief students pressure and give them psychological guide.


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