

2015-11-05 17:00



  Since the 1960s, debates have been fueled on the ideal means of communication. Some observers, free lancers and columnists in particular, often emphasize that the more friends one has on line, the fewer one has in his life. However, through decades of practice and observation, it turns out that their statement has many restrictions.

  Admittedly, the idea held by those observers does contain an element of truth. For example, along with the computer boom, Internet, the gem of twentieth century scientific technology, is playing an increasingly important role in the means of communication. But these arguers tend to ignore two other essential aspects. First, they fail to take into account the possibility that a variety of technical devices are available. As a result, people can resort to telephones or faxes to maintain a more intimate human relationship. In this sense, the popularity of Internet is not always synonymous to the emotional isolations between people. Second, the arguers’ assertion doesn’t provide sufficient data to narrow down the exact number of computer users who seldom contact their parents or colleagues. Therefore, any further conclusion addressing the problem must be based on thorough investigation. As a matter of fact, dinner parties, celebrating parties as well as other social activities always successfully bring people together. In this respect, the upsurge of electric contact is not the sole hallmark of the decrease of closed friends.Given reasons above, the argument above, under a careful examination, turns out to be groundless in its hasty conclusion.

  In conclusion, the arguers’ evidence lends little credible support to their claim. To persuade people that the more friends one has on line, the fewer friends one has in his life, the arguers would need to provide clear evidence, sufficient data and thorough cost-benefit analysis of alternatives.(297 words)

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