

2015-12-17 14:19




  21. What you have done is ________ the doctor’s orders.

  A) attached to B) responsible to C) resistant to D) contrary to

  22. They ________ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

  A) carried out B) carried off C) carried on D) carried forward

  23. My camera can be ________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

  A) treated B) adjusted C) adopted D) remedied

  24. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ________.

  A) hurt B) damaged C) spoiled D) harmed

  25. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ________ over his business to his son.

  26. ________ you poor record in school, we think you should study harder.

  A) In view of B) In charge of C) In spite of D) In case of

  27. Police have ________ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.

  A) urged B) claimed C) appealed D) called

  28. I am sorry I ________ your glasses off the desk when I was wiping it.

  A) drew B) hit C) struck D) knocked

  29. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your ________ off your worries.

  A) cares B) heart C) head D) mind

  30. Some hard plastics can be ________ metals in manufacturing machine parts.

  A) substituted for B) taken the place of

  C) replaced in D) given way to

  答案: 26-30 ACDDA

  A) take B) hand C) think D) get

  答案:21-25 DCBCB

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