

2018-03-28 14:33



  第二部分阅 读

  第一节 短文理解


  Text 1

  I am traveling home. It is bitterly cold and snowy, but the warm train is right on time. I feel pleasantly satisfied as I look out at the rush hour traffic on the motorway. I feel more satisfied as the smell of fresh coffee announces the arrival of the drinks service. Swiss friends often tell me,proudly, that their rail service is the best in the world, but recently, the Swiss love affair with their railway has turned a little sour(酸).

  It all began with the decision to end ticket sales on trains. One cold morning I arrived at my local station to find that the ticket machine was broken. No matter, I thought, I have got a smart phone, and I hurriedly set about buying my ticket that way. This was not as easy as I had hoped,busying myself between credit card and phone with freezing cold fingers, but, by the time I got on the train to Geneva I had an e-ticket and I proudly showed it to the conductor. Unfortunately she told me that my ticket was not valid(有效). Several weeks later a letter arrived from Swiss rail-ways together with a fine for 190 francs ($ 210).

  The good people there tell me the formal payment for my ticket from my credit card company arrived four minutes after my train left the station. That means, they say, that I bought my ticket on the train--and that is not allowed.

  Swiss railways say their policy is designed to protect honest ticket-paying passengers, but a quick look at their balance sheet suggests something else. The company is making-about $ 2 mil-lion a month from fines.

  Although train travel is still popular, those seats do not feel as comfortable; the coffee does not smell quite so good--becanse Swiss railways have lost, for now anyway, something far more precious than $ 2 million a month: good relations with their customers.

  21. Why was the author' s e-ticket invalid?

  A. It was bought online.

  B. It was paid on a smart phone.

  C. It was bought on a ticket machine.

  D. It was paid for after the train started.

  22. The author tells the experience to show that__________.

  A. the fine was unfair

  B. the conductor was impolite

  C. e-tickets are getting popular

  D. credit cards can be inconvenient

  23. What does the author think of the policy of Swiss railways?

  A. It attracts more people to travel by train.

  B. It damages company-customer relations.

  C. It makes the company lose a lot of money.

  D. It protects honest ticket-paying passengers.


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