

2018-03-28 14:33



  第二部分阅 读

  第一节 短文理解


  Text 1

  Leicester Society of Arts

  --121st Arts Festival Guide to Events

  All events are free unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to make phone calls for more infor-mation.

  Hands-On Archaeology (考古学)

  Saturday 15th July,11:00 am--3:30 pm, Jewry Wall Museum, Tel: 01162254900 Celebrate National Archaeology Week by bringing along your archaeological discoveries for the ex-perts(专家) from Finds Office to examine. Learn the techniques, examine real objects, discoverarchaeology through fun activities and make something to take home. £1.50 for activities.

  The Wonder Garden

  Wednesday 19th July,10:00 am--11: 50 am, Belgrave Gardens, Tel: 01162254980

  Enjoy an artwork morning using a variety of materials. Produce your own flowers to help decorate trees with them to make the garden wonderful and then take a tour around the garden, sensing the beauty and touching the nature.

  Belgrave Hall Evening Talk: Belgrave' s Past Years

  Tuesday 24th July,7:00 pm—9:00 pm, Belgrave Hall, Tel: 01162666590

  Learn the history of Belgrave village and its ever-changing population. Find out how people moved, what they did, and how they used to rive. Also discover the history of Belgrave Hall as a middle class country house and the families that lived there. Booking needed. £2.50.

  Jewry Wall Homework Help

  Wednesdays 19th and 26th July,3:30 pm—4:30 pm, New Walk Museum, Tel: 01162995111 Need help with a history homework project? Drop into the museum for a discussion with the histo-ry expert. He can point out interesting books and objects in the museum and you will have a quiet space to work in. All ages are welcome. Topic areas include Roman, Egyptian and Greek history as well as local history.

  21. Which event should you go to if you want to learn to make something?

  A. Hands-On Archaeology

  B. The Wonder Garden

  C. Belgrave Hall Evening Talk

  D. Jewry Wall Homework Help

  22. If you want to book the Belgrave Hall Evening Talk, you should call__________.

  A. 01162254980

  B. 01162995111

  C. 01162666590

  D. 01162254900

  23. Where can you go if you need help with your history homework?

  A. Jewry Wall Museum.

  B. Belgrave Gardens.

  C. Belgrave Hall.

  D. New Walk Museum.


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