

2018-12-29 11:25






  What is the main idea/topic/subject/chief purpose of this passage?

  What is the best title for this passage?

  What does the passage tell us essentially?

  What is the subject they are talking about?

  What did the speaker mainly discuss/talk about?




  What will be dealt with in the following paragraph?

  What does the passage probably imply at the end?

  What can we learn/infer from the passage?

  What does the author impiy by saying?

  What does the story imply?



  Questions 1——4 are based on a short story.

  1. How do the housewives learn about the offer of free groceries?

  [A] On the radio. [B] At the supermarket.

  [C] From the manager. [D] From their friends.

  2. What did Mrs. Edwards want very much?

  [A] Get a basket of free goods. [B] Meet the manager.

  [C] Get a free basket. [D] Fill all her cupboards.

  3. Why did Mrs. Edwards go back to the supermarket after she had finished shopping one day?

  [A] Because she had to meet the manager.

  [B] Because she had to buy one more thing.

  [C] Because she had to find her shopping.

  [D] Because she had to pay for her shopping.

  4. Which of the following words best describes Mrs. Edwards feeling at the end of this story?

  [A] Embarrassed. [B] Disappointed.

  [C] Delighted. [D] Proud.


  All the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said:“Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free groceries. This may be your lucky day!”

  For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things, which she did not need. In vain her husband tried to dissuade her. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:“Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.”

  One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. “Madam,” he said, holding out his hand,“I want to congratulate you! You are the lucky customer and everything in your basket is free! ”

  答案:1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B


  1. 长对话出题的顺序和文章的顺序一致,因此在听力开始前应当充分利用空隙时间迅速浏览四个选项,了解对话大意,做到有的放矢。

  2. 和听力短文非常相似,长对话在文章开始时就点明文章大意,而且考题中也会考查文章的主题,因此考生在考试时应当集中注意力抓住主题。

  3. 点明主题后,随后的部分围绕这一主题展开,每个方面的论述类似短对话的问答形式,考试的重点往往落在回答中,因此考生如果能掌握短对话各种题型特点和应试技巧,那么对这类题目就会轻车熟路了。

  4. 长对话内容比较,题量也比较大,因此适当地做些笔记是非常有必要的。

  一、 学会听前读选项预测内容



  Questions 1——4 are based on a conversation between Irene, a secreatary and her boss Mr. Jerome S. Buck.

  1. How long will the sales conference in London last?

  [A] Form Tuesday to Wednesday. [B] Form Tuesday to Thursday.

  [C] Form Wednesday to Thursday. [D] Form Thursday to Friday.

  2. What are they going to discuss at the meeting on Friday morning?

  [A] The trade in Scotland. [B] The industry in Scotland.

  [C] The new factory in Scotland. [D] The site of their new plant in Soctland.

  3. Where is Mr. Buck going to see Mr. Chambery, the European Manager?

  [A] In London. [B] In Paris. [C] In Rome. [D] In Madrid.

  4. Why must Mr. Buck be back on Friday?

  [A] It’s his daughter’s birthday. [B] It’s his son Sharon’s birthday.

  [C] It’s his wife’s birthday. [D] It’s his friend Sharon’s birthday.


  Questions 1——4:

  M:I think we’d better go over my schedule, Irene. I’m going to have a look at our European operation, as you know, and as I’ll be visiting a number of countries, I’d like you to make the bookings.

  W:Right, Mr. Buck. I’ll take down the details.

  M:Well, I’m leaving on Tuesday, April 15th, for London. I’m going to attend a sales conference for our British representatives. That runs through Wednesday and Thursday, and then there’s a reception at Canada House on Thursday evening.

  W:Are you going to meet the Ambassador, then?

  M:I guess so. But the main thing is that on Friday morning, I have a meeting with the British Minister of Trade and Industry. We’ re going to discuss the site of our new plant in Scotland.

  W:So when are you leaving for Paris?

  M:First flight on Saturday morning. I’m planning to meet my wife there. She’s going to fly over direct, arriving in the afternoon. Then we’ll have a relaxed weekend before I see Mr. Chambery, the European Manager, on Monday. So from Paris on, I’ll need a double room.

  W:How long are you going to stay in Paris, Mr. Buck?

  M:Only till Monday evening. I’m going to Rome to see our plant there on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I’m due in Madrid to inspect the new factory.

  W:And that’s the last item on the agenda. So when are you coming back? Are you going to fly form Madrid?

  M:Yes, on the first plane out on Thursday. We must be back on Friday, the 25th. It’s my daughter Sharon’s birthday.

  答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A


  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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